Collection: Op-Ex Life

My mother doesn’t understand what I do for a living. “Engineer in a factory,” she would explain, accurately if imprecisely. It's okay if the rest of the world doesn't get our jokes. We're happy to explain ourselves.

Explaining is our thing

Let’s start with Op-Ex. That’s short for “operational excellence,” the umbrella term for the continuous improvement tribes of lean manufacturing, six sigma, lean six sigma (which some tribe members cannot abide), industrial engineering, process engineering, manufacturing engineering.

Did we forget anyone? PDSA peeps? 

Regardless—fun, funny, one-of-a-kind process improvement treasure awaits.

And it’s just for the op-ex insiders. For example, don’t expect the average joe to know Bill Smith—not our Bill Smith anyway.

You’ll also find cool stuff in the Data Devotees theme, but the overlap is minimal. Walter Shewhart straddles the line, but Edwards Deming in electric blue halftone is only found here.