Here's what we know: Until QI Curiosities opened, there was no place to get fresh, cool, fun stuff designed specifically for quality improvement professionals. We're an unsung tribe. 

QI Curiosities celebrates those of you who wring waste and variation from the workplace, and who wrangle data to do it. We honor our shared history, beginning with the Industrial Revolution. Heck, with roots in empiricism, we can trace our profession’s roots back to Francis Bacon and Carl Friedrich Gauss. 

Our little guild of quality connoisseurs is the reason your car doesn't need a tune-up for 100,000 miles. We're why material and information flow like a Barry White ballad. And we will guide industry through the next Industrial Revolution, assuming our colleagues learn to see what we see. Sometimes we feel like Rowdy Roddy Piper in They Live. We have the all-revealing sunglasses and we can’t take them off.  

They Live still

Too young for They Live and Rowdy Roddy? Fair ’nuf. How ’bout this: We are the people who knew about Moneyball before Brad Pitt, and we’re not necessarily sports fans. We’re data fans. In fact, QI Curiosities has an entire department for the analytically minded. Check it out.

Our store is for people who know the difference between a checklist and a check sheet, for people who always put the “s” in “Edwards Deming,” for peeps who get a little tingly at the thought of taking a pivot table for a twirl. If you're an analyst, a statistician, a green belt, a black belts, a process ninja, or a kaizen crusader, there's something you're gonna love in our humble little shop.

We work with artists around the globe to develop art and humor especially for the continuous improvement practitioner. You can only get these designs here. (If you find them elsewhere, well, we must be doing something right.)

Our founder has been in the game for three decades. Like him, your mission is to teach the world to see waste, to be data-driven, and to bring the scientific method to the frontline. Our mission is to cheer you on with products that tell the world about us. 

New designs arrive all the time. Make it a monthly recurring appointment in Outlook to stop in. Or better yet, join our mailing list. You won't regret it. We're not spammers, we're real QI practitioners, just like you.